Boston WCC Presenters
Christal Brown
Chief Visioning Officer, Steps and Stages Coaching
“The Vision Method™”
Join Coach Christal Brown for an empowering keynote on cultivating clarity and resilience through The Vision Method™. With over two decades of experience as a professional artist and visionary coach, Coach Christal has mastered the art of transforming imagination into reality.
Miranda Paris Holder
Founder and Principal Coach, Holder Leadership
"Unlocking Your Inner Compass: Embodied Intelligence for Decisive Leadership"
Learn from expert somatic leadership coach Miranda Paris Holder about how to extend your mind to make better decisions. She'll help you understand the science behind this approach and give you practical approaches to employing this method in your everyday life. As a recovering overthinker and former head coach, Miranda knows how much time we spend making decisions as coaches and leaders. She's on a mission to help leaders make better decisions with more clarity, confidence, and ease
Holly Metcalf
MIT Women’s Head Coach, Founder Survivor Rowing, Olympian, Writer, Musician
“Creating Kinship in Coaching”
How are we as coaches fulfilling ourselves? What’s our “something greater than myself” as a member of the team we’re coaching? The people we yearn ( or " want") to share kinship with are the people leading the teams we are competing with. The Latin word, “competere”, means to strive with. How do we create “striving with” versus “against” in our community of rowing coaches if rowing itself is about “we”--being as one? How do we create a kinship, like with the survivors who have found Survivor Rowing: “There’s a knowing between them that’s extraordinary and beautiful to be around.”
Ellen Minzner
Para High Performance Director, USRowing
“The Para Perspective”
With a unique perspective working with high-performance Para rowers, Ellen speaks about the role of the coach as problem solver, and viewing each athlete as an experiment of one in the approach to training, rigging, and performance. As USRowing's Director of Para High Performance, she also will expand coach communication, collaboration and support across coaches where mixed crews are the norm for Paralympic team boats.
Jessica Reo
Executive Senior Associate Athletic Director and Senior Woman Administrator, Temple University
“Coaching in 2024 & Beyond”
Coaching young people today is a challenge for many reasons, but coupling that with being a female coach is increasingly difficult. There are many pressures and this session will talk about issues facing female coaches from the administrator’s perspective.
Michelle Sechser
Olympian, U.S. Lightweight 2x
“Cultivating Champions”
Where do you begin when setting out to develop a championship team? Which principles can help build a strategic approach to your team’s goals this season? Please join us as two-time Olympian and 11-time US National Team rower Michelle Sechser shares the powerful lessons learned - through both successes and failures - throughout her career as a rower and coach. In her presentation Cultivating Champions, Sechser will discuss key considerations for balancing coachability, competitiveness, camaraderie, trust, and communication on your team.